Your worries don't end in choosing a car carrier to transport your vehicle. Be prepared to take a lot of matter into your own hands to ensure a smooth freighting experience. Here are some things to bring to mind when transporting your car via a Vehicle Shipping line.
Be sure you have the hotline number for the carrier’s customer service department. You can also call them to get updates on how your car's transportation is doing. The unique code given for your car meant for shipment must be kept handy at all times.
Secondly, find out how much fuel should be left in your car. Only a small quantity of fuel is needed by most car carriers. They are more delicate to transport as they could easily explode given the right conditions.
3. Take all your personal stuff out of your vehicle. Companies do not let your stuff left in the car get a free ride. The presence of personal items in your vehicle encourages theft and may result in other problems.
There is also a maximum allowable load for car cargos. Personal effects are not indemnified by the car carrier should anything happen to it. Understand that they cannot be held responsible for it.
4. Disable your alarm system. It is prudent to disengage the alarm before it creates a noisome ruckus while being shipped. If possible, you can completely remove the gadget and install it again at a later time.
You must also have a copy of proof of shipment for your vehicle and its state of repair before it was shipped. This way, whatever accident that may befall your car, you'll know that it is properly insured. Existing damages prior to shipment must be duly recorded by the officer-in-charge in case of disputes.
The bill readily tells you what you need to know regarding the shipping transactions of your car. Keep this Bill of Lading at least until after the delivery. You may need to show this if something goes awry with the delivery.
Get your car's appearance on film or photo from all sides and vantage. When it has finally arrived in its destination, carefully examine your car for signs of damage. Take a careful look at it from all vantage points and evaluate it against the snapshots you've taken.
You should also refer to your Bill of Lading and see if the mileage is the same as that in the meter reader. Don’t rush and say there are no damages incurred during the transport and release the vehicle shipping company from responsibility right away. You will do both the company and yourself a favor if you refrain from stating in haste that there’s no damage and then coming after the company later.
If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable website.